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Philip J Bradbury

Guide to a saner future

I channel my myriad professional and life experiences to help get you unstuck and moving forward - be it writing and publishing your book or the challenges life brings.

Join me on Patreon
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Image by Andrew Neel
Want to write a book? 

Whether your book is just in your head (not written), partly-written or completed to draft stage, I can help you complete it to publishing standard.


Once you have a raw manuscript, there's editing, ISBN, text design, cover design, paper book or e-book or both. Which publishing platform - Ingram Sparks, Amazon, Kindle, Smashwords, Draft 2 Digital? And then there's social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok etc! 

I can help with experts in each field and/or guide you to do it yourself.

Image by Sophie Elvis
Book Coaching
Image by Ally Griffin
Soulvereignty Guide
One-on-one and group sessions
Need guidance?

We are standing in the demolition site of a ruined world and rebuilding requires a ground crew with vision, respect and compassion.

Our greatest giving comes from claiming our sovereignty, from alignment to our soul’s calling.

Your outer world emanates from your inner one. By staking claim on your peace, power and potential, that will be your gift as a builder of the New Earth with your Family of Frequency.

I can help you hunt down and step up to your personal sovereignty for that is my soul’s calling.

Image by Christin Hume
The Soul Law Way
Online courses
Spiritual Coaching
About Philip

Philip J Bradbury was born early in his life and started writing stories as he emerged into the world... no, actually, he didn't start till after his 40th birthday and, to date has written 18 author-managed books - novels, novellettes, short stories, flash fiction, songs, a screen-play and non-fiction books to help you change your road-blocks into starting-blocks.

Latest works
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Geoff Milne (Brisbane Podcasting Centre) and I rewrote The Last Stand Down as a screenplay  and we recorded a podcast with 38 voice actors.

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